Sunday, May 20, 2007

The time of many is the time of few.

Heliotropic times create the melooponaisia coast of a thousand summers yet unvisitited.

But who was to know the who before, and the afterparty?

Why would one even *care*...?

(And I suffer a 'deja vue' even as I care)

Une forchette? Une forchette dans la table?

Charlotte Chen always said it like it was...

'Praise the Lord, one dollar a day."

Chisel. Pray that it's not time for everyone...

ANd the guilt over came her and she wept like an unbegotten child.

And what about Tomorrow's game?

A 'Godly' life?

An allahesh life?

"Predicate your nouns with a 'nine-dollar-drink'."

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